вторник, 24 мая 2011 г.

iceland volcanoes and glaciers

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  • bodeh6
    Oct 24, 08:36 AM
    The processor upgrades, not the OS upgrades.

    I know. The 15" MBP was bumped in May after the MB/MBP 17" came out.

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  • charlituna
    Apr 24, 02:50 AM
    I don't quite understand this... as people use their iPhones on T-Mobile jailbroken all the time. How could AT&T iPhones work on T-Mobile now if they need different hardware???

    People jail break their iphones to use them on T-Mobile with Edge. It is only the 3g that is on the different frequency set.

    Just release a GSM/CDMA every-band iPhone 5, and sell it off contract as well. Virgin Mobile USA customers are going to orgasm for that.

    I would go for that. I would even happily pay the no contract price. If it means that I can tell ATT that they have to knock $16.66 off my monthly bill because I'm not paying them back money they didn't put in and they can't refuse.

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  • MattInOz
    Apr 18, 09:03 PM
    I'm not really sure what the point would be. If you lay a 17 or 20 inch Mac down on your lap, give it a touch screen, and modify the interface so it's more suited to the less precise input of fingers� haven't you just created a bigger iPad? (Not that a bigger iPad wouldn't have it's uses, but it wouldn't be a Mac, and I'd question whether it would warrant yet another 'marketing name'.

    I suppose it's possible, as many presume, that Apple is looking to merge OS X and iOS, but it's never been that convincing of an argument to me. There are some real incompatibilities between the two in my mind. Many OS X apps demand the precision and unrestricted visibility that a keyboard and mouse give you, but once you're using a keyboard and mouse, the display has moved away from your fingers. A vertical display keeps it within reach, but humans just aren't suited to using a vertical touch screen for more than a few minutes, as Steve Jobs has himself remarked.

    If the future were some kind of OS X / iOS hybrid, why did Apple invent iOS in the first place? Why not just go straight for this touchable OS X Nirvana if it exists? I suspect it doesn't exist, and Apple understood that a usable touchscreen interface has a unique set of requirements, benefits and limitations.

    As for what this 'ix.Mac.MarketingName' is, I actually haven't a clue. It's somewhat intriguing though. It's kind of exciting to think that the inventive minds at Apple might be hatching some new kind of device. A little optimistic maybe, but who knows?

    Was thinking more of a desktop touch screen device. Different from the iPad which wants to be picked up and used, but is workable on your lap. This mythical desktop touch device would still need to be light enough that you could lift it up and just change it's orientation at will like an iPad. Yet with a stand so it could be standing upright in portrait or landscape yet moved and sit anywhere down to almost flat on the desk. That way if you want the screen upright you can have, yet small enough that your not putting it to far away and for the odd navigation touch command would not be to bad. Yet lying down you get the full advantage and directness of touch screen.

    This device would be great for Graphics, CAD, 3D modeling, even FCP maybe where the ability to make the workflow even more direct and tactile would be a real advantage.

    I can't see this device happening this year, but I can dream can't I. See the other part that seems to missing is something that has the directness of touch but and doesn't obscure what your doing like a mouse so you get the accuracy, but you can't do this at the expense of the other input means on there respective platforms. Or in other words a stylus but it has to work with fingers as well but not spongy like the current ones you can buy.

    To me the keyboards a red herring, both OSX and iOS can use either real or on screen keyboard. The difference comes down to point device.

    As for why they split off iOS as a branch, well where now five years in and only with Lion is it looking like the two will align. So if they waited till OS X was ready they would have forgone the last 4 years of iOS device revenue plus maybe the next 2-3 years as well before it was really ready for the general purpose touchable OS. Even then it would be doubtful if One Application Framework is diverse enough to cover 4 families of products each with there own tweaks to how you work with them.

    It's funny for all the advantages of computers it's only now we see them becoming as intuitive as pencil and paper some time in the next 5ish years.

    Yep so intrigued to what this new device maybe if it''s anything all. There some really fun possibilities. Just not sure which one is "ready" for this year.

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 15, 01:12 PM
    Do you notice the bug?

    So you're assuming that Apple are merging both stores into 1 and that developers have had time to implement universal binaries that run on 2 different frameworks and submitted the result to the app store ?

    This is obviously a bug, but it's not what you think it is. ;)


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  • blackburn
    Apr 22, 06:21 AM
    3.. 2.. 1.. FIGHT (ding ding)

    We are buying apple products and or samsung products so they can toss the money in lawyers instead of r&d. Somebody really toke the Gene Simmons approach: "Make sure there are no incursions. Be litigious. Sue everybody. Take their homes, their cars. Don't let anybody cross that line.".

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  • mccldwll
    Apr 28, 10:23 AM
    the iPhone doesn't compete against Android. The iPhone competes against all of the handsets running Android. And it's killing them. The 3GS as the second best-selling handset? That's frankly embarrassing for Android.

    So tell me, in what world is having:
    1 - the most popular handset
    2 - the 2nd most popular handset
    3 - the most popular mobile OS
    4 - the most popular tablet
    getting "badly beaten"?

    Only in that parallel universe occupied by Full of, and others of its ilk.


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  • Mustafa Monde
    Dec 1, 04:25 PM
    iAdware is an ugly development to-be-sure, but not a big an scary one. As most Mac users know, proof of concept is not the same as actually having this kind of thing happen in the wild.

    Still, Apple should take this seriously and anticipate similar developments in the coming months. If something like this does take off, it'll likely be through spoofing type sites and so on. For now I'm not going to loose any sleep over this and trust that Apple, as it angles itself-towards dominance in the marketplace, won't make the same blunders MS did with their buggy OS.

    Apple knows that MS has them in their sights and any slip would be exploited. You can just see them shouting from the rooftops, "My Gawd, Apple has viruses, malware and adware!" as if that paralleled the umpteen thousands of virus developed to exploit their own sub-par software.

    I suspect it's being looked into now by Apple's security team with an update to emerge long before this pup is found in the wild.

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  • JackSYi
    Oct 24, 08:15 AM
    3-5 days here.

    I got 2-4 days to Ship. 2 Day shipping. Hope it ships by 5pm tomorrow.


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  • nefan65
    Apr 12, 10:56 AM
    I agree. My friend has an HTC with Sense and I love it compared to my slow Samsung TouchWiz interface. It's gotten better with Froyo but still very sluggish.

    As soon as Apple fixes the damn notification system and...preferably gives us some kind of option of customization of a home screen or something (just so its not just a bunch of useless icons), I will switch back to the iPhone. I kind of miss my 3GS.

    Touchwiz! Thank you! I should just remember Cheesewiz :D

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  • Sequin
    Apr 22, 06:45 PM
    ****. You could snap that phone in half in a second.


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  • hulugu
    Dec 4, 03:43 PM
    Yeah, when the poll was loading I expected 80-90% to be concerned about security, turns out only 40% are. So many ignorant "blissful" people that excuse Apple and think "It's Apple, of course it's safe". Obviously it's not. Ten serious exploits in about as many days of looking (they spent 30 days total, about an equal amount on linux and mac, and the rest on other OS's, so 10 should be right) and that is just scratching the surface. I was shocked that Apple actually had so many vulnerabilities, and for those that didn't find it scary that someone can install a program with kernel access simply by having you download their dmg file (not even opening it), well they're just being silly and need to realize that this is and some extremely bad things can happen if we are to go by that analysts words (saying OS X is not hot on security and that it is easy to find new hacks). :p

    Not at all. I voted no, and I did so because I've spent enough time reading through vulnerability assesments to know that <i>all</i> software has problems, therefore I tend not to light my hair on fire and run around screaming the sky is falling the minute someone finds a flaw or a vector of flaws like the MOKB. Instead, I pay attention to the results, take steps to mitigate any possible problems, and then wait for the Security Update from Apple. The sooner the update happens, like the quick fix for the iAdware flaw, the happier I am.

    Furthermore, one of the MOKB flaws is just a bug and is not actually a security vulnerability. The dmg vulnerability, wherein a malformed disk image can crash OS X and during this inject uknown code, has been debunked according to this guy (http://alastairs-place.net/2006/11/dmg-vulnerability/).

    So, no I'm not concerned. I'm watchful, but I'm going to withhold the running and screaming and the Apple-better-*******-fix-this! rant until something serious happens.

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  • iTootyFrooty
    Apr 22, 04:30 PM
    I think the phone could be a tiny bit thinner but not this thin. The teardrop design is best left with just the Macbook air (iPhone Air?). I'd stay close the the current design and maybe mix it up with the first one a bit. Must say I'm loving the screen and home button though


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  • cmaier
    Apr 21, 11:13 PM
    They're not suing them to make money, or protect their patents.
    It's the trademark they are protecting. They'll probably lose in court, but win outside of it.

    Apple sued on 7 utility and 3 design patents, plus the trademarks.

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  • scrambledwonder
    Mar 31, 06:11 PM
    That's terrible. I use a computer because I don't want to use paper. And I don't want to see paper on my computer screen. Bone-heads. Need to get rid of these old paper-centric fogies at Apple.


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  • NativeOSXboy
    Apr 22, 10:06 AM
    Who's blasting Apple ? This shouldn't be an emotional discussion about the history of both corporations, this is about a specific case/cases. As such it should be rooted in facts and objective commentary, not in some subjective tangeant ranting like you went on.

    The copying isn't so blatant, and it's highly model dependant. Some biased Apple media is making it look worse than it is with cherry picked images. Here's a post where I clear up the muddied waters a bit :

    And here's one about the famous Icon grid :

    To claim "Blatant copying" at this point is only to get eat whatever the media is feeding you. The courts will decide how much Samsung does or doesn't infringe on Apple's various trademarks and the trade dress claims.

    Your right. I didn't see it before, I did mix up emotions in a logical argument. My bad, you make a great case.

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  • NathanMuir
    Apr 25, 04:45 PM
    Eldiablojoe, just because.


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  • NT1440
    May 1, 10:08 PM
    So the figure head who has had little to nothing to do with Al-Queada (a leaderless brand name of extremists at this point) since 9/11 is dead. Woo hoo. Meanwhile, terrorism in the world has only increased since the "war on terror" (something that was predicted and well known by US planners when gearing up for it).

    Time to start the USA chants. :rolleyes:

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  • inaka
    May 4, 06:01 PM
    Dont worry release a white iphone and people will buy it instead :rolleyes:

    I just did.
    Ordered the white iphone 4...ships in a few days.

    And when the iPhone 5 comes out, i'll buy that in a year or so too.

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  • beg_ne
    Jul 28, 08:31 AM
    I'm curious. Are they really allowed to do this kind of stuff under their Monopoly status? I would think that, "Breaking into a market and losing Billions of dollars to crush your competition and former 'partners' while sustaining your product on your Monopoly money". Might be against some restriction they have. Am I just nuts or is someone asleep at the wheel.

    As for their partners I think I'll be lining up for my lawsuit about now. Especially since I'm sure they have to pay to be "PlaysForSure" compliant, and may have shown MS their Software, Hardware and Music Stores in intimate detail to get that compliancy. In one way or another their money and knowledge in part will fund the very thing that MS will try to crush them with.

    Apr 13, 06:42 PM
    Read the article and links - it is all there - you continue to refuse to see it. As I stated in my earlier post - not getting into who is correct or who has refuted who - just saying info is out there giving Apple credit for pushing / envisioning / whatever the lightpeak approach.

    I see it, I read it, and I read its rebuttal. Hardly something I'd base facts on, like Chuppa was doing. Again, not quite the citation I was looking for. As it stands, I think Chuppa was wrong.

    Oct 26, 07:48 PM
    my xmas wish list:



    Jan 28, 09:22 AM
    yeah im behind the times.

    Awesome game...too bad I don't have time to play it anymore.

    Nov 3, 11:35 AM
    I bought Parallels for $29 + tax after rebate

    What rebate? Please elaborate.

    NT 3.51? 4? LOL

    All these VMWare features are really nice. Then again I bought Parallels for $29 + tax after rebate. Give me more features Parallels! :D

    Sep 30, 04:22 PM
    Just curious... is that special tool the only way to get the call stats from your iPhone? Sounded like interesting data.

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